A Bit of Irony for Bitcoin Enthusiasts

A Bit of Irony for Bitcoin Enthusiasts

Email receipts, paperless banking, electronic filing: these computer-powered features have been notoriously helpful when it comes to conserving energy and natural resources. As a matter of fact, with apps like PayPal and Venmo, even cash is becoming somewhat obsolete!...
You’ve Got Ransomware- Now What?

You’ve Got Ransomware- Now What?

If some of your data suddenly appears to be held hostage until you pay a fee, it’s likely that you’ve found yourself a victim of ransomware. This can be a frightening experience that seems to warrant an extreme reaction, but don’t buy into it just yet- there are some...
To Encrypt or Not to Encrypt- That is the Question

To Encrypt or Not to Encrypt- That is the Question

You’ve likely heard of “encryption” in reference to sensitive information- like when a payment is being processed online. What is it, then? And how does it work? To encrypt data means to scramble it, thereby preventing unauthorized access. And it’s absolutely...