At this point, most of us who can work from home safely are already doing so. The problem is that our devices at home aren’t nearly as protected as the ones our employers offer (since most of us are more lax about cybersecurity when company data isn’t at stake). And we’re still accessing the same applications, the same data, the same programs- but we’re doing so from insecure, unprotected technology.
And this isn’t a great time to be unprepared. As we mentioned in our last post, phishing attacks and hackers are going to be targeting remote workers moving forward. So we need to be smart, vigilant, and equipped to deal with such threats before they happen.
To protect yourself (and your job!), follow these simple tips:
- If a device was provided to you by your company, use it! It has been likely been optimally secured by a professional that has already installed software to protect you. This includes laptops, phones, tablets, or anything else that can access the internet.
- Update, update, update. Keep your software, and your computer, updated. Whether you are using a home device or one provided by work.
- Do not “save” your passwords, and opt for 2 step verification. If possible, update your passwords now.
- ALWAYS access the internet through a VPN.
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